Ramadhan is a holy month full of blessings where this month of Ramadan only comes once a year with thousands of its blessings. To fill in worship in the Holy Month of Ramadan 1441 H, it is necessary to have activities that provide momentum and learning to be able to...
10 May 2020 - 15:00
10 May 2020 - 12:14
The Department of Civil Engineering and Planning Education (PTSP) of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta has submitted a prototype of the "Portable Step Sink" to the Puskesmas Depok III Sleman. The prototype was directly submitted by Nur Hidayat...
9 Apr 2020 - 05:34
Balai Jasa Konstruksi Wilayah IV Surabaya and LPJK DIY in collaboration with the PTSP Department conducted a certification program for students and alumni of the Department of Civil Engineering and Planning Education FT UNY. The number of students who will be...
9 Apr 2020 - 05:32
Ikatan Alumni Sipil FT UNY is exploring a collaboration draft for training and certification programs between the Civil Engineering and Planning Education Department (PTSP) and the Balai Penerapan Teknologi Konstruksi (BPTK), Ministry of Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan...
9 Apr 2020 - 05:29
SKA is an acronym for Sertifikat Keterangan Ahli (Expert Information Certificate) issued by LPJK and recognized by the Ministry of PUPR. SKA is a certificate that can show the professional ability of an expert in the field of construction services. This is a form of PUPR's commitment to...
9 Apr 2020 - 05:26
Today's technological developments are increasingly showing significant movements. Competition in the world of work, especially in the construction sector, is also getting tighter. In order to equip PTSP students to be able to compete globally, a program is needed that can provide provisions to...
7 Nov 2019 - 16:01
Two teams from UNY consisted of 6 people namely Ibnu Pandu Ajie Nugroho, B Tri Indrayani, Hidayat Mahardika, Wahyu Bagas Prasetyo, Aris Wisnu P. and Ismail Fajar Isakhofi. The two teams started preparing for the competition since July by making proposals for which the 10 best teams in Indonesia...
1 Oct 2019 - 15:58
The UNY team, Wisanggeni consisted of 3 members, namely, Fendy Ramadhan, Bagas Ahid and Nastasya M with Supervisor Drs. Darmono, M.T., and Maris Setyo Nugroho, M.Eng. began the preparations in May by making proposals for which the 10 best teams in the world were selected. On July 15th, the...
30 Mar 2019 - 15:45
The UNY team was named Bimasena OJT, consisting of 3 members, Lilin Eria Armi, Ibnu Pandu Adjie Nugroho, and Crelfhin Nugraha Putra Samudra with Supervisor Maris Setyo Nugroho, M.Eng. Our team's preparations began in January by making proposals which would later be selected as many as the 8 best...
22 Jan 2019 - 09:48
On January 19th—20th 2019 an Urban Ecology Discovery Workshop was held at the PTSP FT UNY Department, which was a collaboration between the Department of Landscape Architecture Faculty of Engineering and Surveying Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and the PTSP Department of the Faculty of...
13 Jan 2019 - 07:55
The Bimasena Team from the Engineering Technology UKM Division (DRB) won the Fastest Category in the 2018 XIV Indonesia Bridge Competition, Makassar (November 29 – December 2018). In this competition the Bimasena Team consisted of Ermalia Nur Hidayah (2015), Iwan (2015) and Lilin Eria Armi (2017...
13 Jan 2019 - 07:53
The Mighty Bimasena Team from UKM Rekayasa Teknologi, Rancang Bangun Division won the Fastest Assembly Category, Implementation Category, and 3rd Place in the 2018 CEIC International Bridge Design Competition, Semarang (7–9 November 2018). In this competition the Mighty Bimasena Team consisted...
13 Jan 2019 - 07:48
UKM Rekayasa Teknologi, Rancang Bangun Division won the "most favorite design" category in the 2018 National Bridge Design Competition, Yogyakarta (26—28 October 2018). In this competition the Bimasena Team consisted of Alfian Fahri Akbar (2016), Fendy Ramadhan (2016...
13 Jan 2019 - 07:40
The UKM Rekayasa Teknologi, Rancang Bangun Division team won 3rd place in the National Scientific Vaganza Writing Contest (October 25-28 2018) at Semarang State University. In this competition the UNY DRB Team, which consisted of students from the Department of Civil...
13 Jan 2019 - 07:34
The Bimasena 1617 Team from the Rancang Bangun Division (DRB) of the UKM Rekayasa Teknologi, won the Fastest Assembly Category, Most Complete K3, and 3rd Place in the ITS Dynamic Load Bridge Design Competition on 26–29 September 2018 in Surabaya. In this competition the Bimasena 1617 Team...
5 Dec 2016 - 07:57
BIMASENA TEAM, SAWO KECIK BRIDGE, Civil Engineering and Planning Department students, FT UNY won the fastest bridge assembly category, at the XII KJI and VIII KGBI national prestigious bridge competitions with the theme "Sturdy, light, aesthetic, environmentally sound bridges, and local wisdom...
28 Nov 2016 - 11:11
The Civil Engineering and Planning Student Association, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta once again held a National Seminar with the theme "Implementation of BIM in High-Rise Building Construction Planning to Increase Work Efficiency and Effectiveness" on November 12 2016 at...
28 Nov 2016 - 10:36
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta’s Faculty of Engineering has just entered into a collaboration with the Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi (LPJK) or the Construction Services Development Institute. The collaboration is training and Sertifikasi Ketrampilan (SKT) Level I draftsman for students....
Contact us
Civil Engineering and Planning Education Study Program
Address : Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telephone : +62 274 586168 ext. 1286 and +62 274 554692
Email. : ptsp@uny.ac.id
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