Civil Engineering and Planning Education Study Program
Address : Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telephone : +62 274 586168 ext. 1286 and +62 274 554692
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BIMASENA TEAM, SAWO KECIK BRIDGE, Civil Engineering and Planning Department students, FT UNY won the fastest bridge assembly category, at the XII KJI and VIII KGBI national prestigious bridge competitions with the theme "Sturdy, light, aesthetic, environmentally sound bridges, and local wisdom”, which was held from Thursday to. Sunday, 02-04 December 2016 By the Direktur Jenderal Pembelajaran Mahasiswa (BELMAWA KEMRISTEK DIKTI).
The implementation of this activity includes the opening ceremony on the first day, the second day of the technical meeting, presentation and drawing of numbers for the distribution of bridge materials; the third day is assembly for cold rolled steel bridges, the fourth day is assembly of arc bridges, testing, closing and announcement of winners. Testing of the bow bridge is carried out in the middle of the span with a maximum load of 5 kg. In this competition the BIMA SENA Team, KRETEG SAWO KECIK Bridge had 3 members represented by Sahril Afandi (PTSP 2014), M. Yusuf Solihin (TSP 2014) and Iwan (PTSP 2015), they are members of the UKM Rekayasa Teknologi, Rancang Bangun Division. With the theme "SAWO KECIK" the design of this bridge has its own uniqueness by using the Javanese philosophy "Suro Diro Joyonirat Lebur Dening Pangastuti" which means that all forms of anger that reign in human beings can be eliminated by the nature of gentleness, compassion and kindness.
The Head of the team, Sahril Afandi said "The competition in this contest is very tight, each team is fighting for the good name of their respective university, they have accurate, precise and measurable strategies also must be practiced long before the competition." There were 10 teams participating in the 2016 KJI XII activities including UNY, UGM, ITS, UB, UBB, UKM, UI, Polinema, Itenas, and Polban. Under the direction of Advisory Lecturer for Analysis, Mr. Faqih Ma'arif, and Technical Advisor, Mr. Darmono, this TEAM has a very good mental readiness to compete, armed with experience in participating in previous competitions. The preparation in the laboratory was also supported by the Technical Team who came to the competition arena including M. Fahmi Ma'ruf, Andono Putu Jaya, I Gede Putu Marutha and colleagues from the UKM Rekayasa Teknologi, Rancang Bangun Division.
The time limit needed to assemble this bridge is 4 hours. Based on the results of the implementation of the activity, it was noted that the fastest time and the completed deflection to assemble the TIM Bimasena UNY bridge was recorded at 2 hours 6 minutes and 0.88mm; then followed by UGM 2 hours 25 minutes and 1.40mm; ITS 2 hours 35 minutes and 1.40mm; Brawijaya University 2 hours 45 minutes and 0.80mm; Bangka Belitung University 3 hours 47 minutes 34 seconds and 1.08mm; Maranatha Christian University 4 hours 9 minutes 53 seconds and 2.54mm; University of Indonesia 4 hours 5 minutes 20 seconds and 0.97mm; followed by POLLINEMA, Itenas and Polban which each took up to 4 hours to complete. In a separate statement, according to Team Members M. Yusuf Solihin and Iwan, holding the title of KJI 2016 Fastest Category Champion shows that PTSP FT UNY students can compete with other universities in the field of Bridge Design.
The struggle was fun because it had defeated 38 participants out of 48 total finalists; We always thankful for the results of this competition. At the end of the match, one of the judges expressed his high appreciation to the Bimasena UNY Team, for the achievements that had been achieved in the competition, and UNY really deserved to be one of the winners in the category with high speed and work discipline. The results of this championship are expected to be capital in welcoming a prestigious championship at the international level in 2017. Meanwhile for the UKM Rekayasa Teknologi, Rancang Bangun Divisio, this is an optimal achievement in the last year of 2016 management as well as preparing the team to compete in ITS Civil Expo matches and UGM Roof Frame Competition 2017. Source: Faqih Ma'arif, 2016
Civil Engineering and Planning Education Study Program
Address : Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telephone : +62 274 586168 ext. 1286 and +62 274 554692
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