Civil Engineering and Planning Education Study Program
Address : Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telephone : +62 274 586168 ext. 1286 and +62 274 554692
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The 2022 Unesa Civil Month Scientific Writing Competition with the theme Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Future Buildings. The Wisanggeni Baksya team is chaired by Faisal Irfan Adhitama (S-1 Civil Engineering) accompanied by two members, namely Eva Fatimah (S-1 Civil Engineering) and Fadila Margarani Widyasari (S-1 PTSP) with supervisor Mrs. Retna Hidayah, S.T., M.T. , Ph. D. This competition begins with the submission of an abstract on June 9 2022 with the title "EGRANG" Eco-Friendly Green Residence in Importantsari Tourist Village.
The title was raised based on the problem of the increasing population density in Sleman Regency every year which is not proportional to the availability of land. This can hinder the development of sustainable development which has the potential to cause global warming and environmental damage. The proposed Scientific Paper aims to design environmentally friendly and sustainable residential buildings by utilizing the potential of the IMPORTANTARI Tourism Village to improve the economy and welfare of the surrounding community.
On July 15, 2022 the Wisanggeni Baksya team was declared to have passed the abstract and started carrying out the next progress, namely the preparation of a full paper. On July 17 2022 all phase II files have been submitted. There were 20 teams that qualified for stage II and only the 10 best teams were selected to pass the final stage, announced on August 14 2022. The Wisanggeni Baksya team was declared to have passed the final stage along with 9 other teams consisting of Semarang State Polytechnic, Bandung Institute of Technology, Diponegoro University , Eleven March University, Gajah Mada University, and State University of Malang.
After going through several stages, on August 18 a presentation was held which was the final stage of the Scientific Writing Contest via zoom media. At the end of the judging it was decided that three teams had the right to win the 2022 Unesa Civil Month Scientific Writing Contest, namely the Kuya Hanshi Team (Bandung Institute of Technology), the Wisanggeni Baksya Team (Yogyakarta State University) in second place, and the Warriors Team. Dewantara (Malang State University) in third position.
Civil Engineering and Planning Education Study Program
Address : Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telephone : +62 274 586168 ext. 1286 and +62 274 554692
Email. :
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