Civil Engineering and Planning Education Study Program
Address : Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telephone : +62 274 586168 ext. 1286 and +62 274 554692
Email. :
The Bimasena Team, Divisi Rancang Bangun UKM Rekayasa Teknologi from the Civil Engineering and Planning Education Department, was divided into 3 teams, namely the Bimasena Hore Team with team leader Nurul Aisyiyah K. R. (S1-PTSP-2019), the Bimasena Hore Team with team leader B. Tri Indriyani (S1-PTSP-2017), and the Bimasena Team with team leader Aurellia Fanny Arista (D4-Civil Engineering-2019). Preparations for the 3 Bimasena Teams began in December by participating in several internal trainings, the output of which would be in the form of a bridge model planning proposal. There are 2 categories in this competition. For the Arch Bridge category, participants were asked to design a model of an arch bridge with a span of 2 meters using hollow steel. As for the Truss Bridge category, the participants were asked to design a frame bridge model with a span of 1 meter using meranti wood. From each category, 5 finalists were taken who were entitled to take part in the next final stage.
On December 19, 2020, all teams attended the technical meeting to explain the technical finals that would be carried out. The final was carried out by selecting the finalist planning proposal presentation results and selecting the modeling video by looking at the number of likes on each video. On December 21, 2020, the presentation session by all teams began. All activities in this competition are carried out online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. After all the series of presentations were completed, on December 22nd the committee announced the results of the winners of this competition. Out of 8 championship categories, the UNY team managed to win three winners, namely 1st place (Bimasena Team) and 3rd place Arch Bridge (Bimasena Hore Team) and 1st place Truss Bridge (Bimasena Hore Team). This competition was attended by a total of 11 registrants from all over Indonesia and there were 10 teams that would advance to the final round. In the final round there were only 4 Universities, and the event ran smoothly.
Civil Engineering and Planning Education Study Program
Address : Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telephone : +62 274 586168 ext. 1286 and +62 274 554692
Email. :
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