Civex is one of the work programs of HMTSP which is carried out every year. A series of Civex activities is the same as developing a spirit of leadership where every Civex participant is educated to be independent, creative and innovative. Civex activities aim to create creative and innovative students, increase piety, independence, and scholarship for new students majoring in Civil Engineering and Planning Education FT UNY 2020 and create students who are cohesive and close as a family of the Department of Civil Engineering and Planning Education.

This civex activity is mandatory for all new students majoring in Civil Engineering and Planning Education. With Civex activities, it can foster enthusiasm and increase brotherhood as a Civil Engineering and Planning Education family and encourage the formation of individuals who are innovative, creative and have commendable morals as provisions for the future.

The benefits of this Civex activity are that new students of Civil Engineering and Planning Education will get used to working together, respect each other when there are differences of opinion, adapt more easily to a new environment, uphold familiar values, and become individuals who have a commendable character, are creative and innovative as a provision new student in carrying out their roles within the campus and community.

Besides that, Civex activities also aim to develop soft skills possessed by new students and instill a sense of solidarity within each of them.