Civil Engineering and Planning Education Study Program
Address : Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telephone : +62 274 586168 ext. 1286 and +62 274 554692
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UKM Rekayasa Teknologi, Rancang Bangun Division won the "most favorite design" category in the 2018 National Bridge Design Competition, Yogyakarta (26—28 October 2018). In this competition the Bimasena Team consisted of Alfian Fahri Akbar (2016), Fendy Ramadhan (2016), and Rismi Syamsiki Atmawuri (2017)
This competition is an annual competition participated by the Bimasena Team of UKM Rekayasa Teknologi, Rancang Bangun Division. The Bimasena team was guided by Drs. Darmono MT. To win the championship, the Bimasena Team made very thorough preparations and conducted various bridge assembling trials that were contested. The hope is that for the next competition it will still be able to provide more achievements to bring the good name of the Department of Civil Engineering and Planning Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas NegeriYogyakarta.
Civil Engineering and Planning Education Study Program
Address : Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telephone : +62 274 586168 ext. 1286 and +62 274 554692
Email. :
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