Submitted by adm1n on Thu, 2020-04-09 05:34
Balai Jasa Konstruksi Wilayah IV Surabaya and LPJK DIY in collaboration with the PTSP Department conducted a certification program for students and alumni of the Department of Civil Engineering and Planning Education FT UNY. The number of students who will be certified is 150 students for the SKT scheme and 30 PTSP alumni for the SKA scheme. This activity was opened by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs (Mr. Moh. Khairuddin) and accompanied by the Deputy Dean for Cooperation and Alumni (Mr. Darmono) and the Head of the PTSP Department (Mr. Slamet Widodo). This certification also attended by representatives from the Balai Jasa Konstruksi Wilayah IV Surabaya (Mrs. Amanda), LPJK DIY, D4 Civil Engineering Study Program Coordinator (Mr. Satoto E. Nayono), and The Chairman of IAS (Mr. Galeh NIPP). This program was held through the collaboration that has existed between IAS, BPTK PUPR and Balai Jakons Region IV Surabaya. The output of this program is that students and alumni of the Department of Civil Engineering and Planning Education FT UNY, before entering the world of work in the construction sector, are equipped with certificates according to their competencies.
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs (Mr. Moh. Khairuddin) expressed his gratitude for the collaboration provided by the Balai Jasa Konstruksi Wilayah IV Surabaya and LPJK DIY to create a superior generation. This program is a pilot program implemented by IAS, it is hoped that next year the number of students and alumni of the Department of Civil Engineering and Planning Education will be certified more than the previous year. The Chair of IAS (Mr Galeh NIPP) said that for the first time FT UNY had received a certification subsidy scheme of 150 SKT and 30 SKA, he hoped that in 2020 the proportion of the SKA certification subsidy scheme could be increased even more, so that it would have a good impact on alumni who will work in the industrial world construction service.