Submitted by adm1n on Thu, 2020-04-09 05:32
Ikatan Alumni Sipil FT UNY is exploring a collaboration draft for training and certification programs between the Civil Engineering and Planning Education Department (PTSP) and the Balai Penerapan Teknologi Konstruksi (BPTK), Ministry of Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR). This collaboration is a follow-up step to produce students and alumni who are competent according to their respective fields of expertise and are recognized by the industry. Improving the skills of PTSP students and alumni is a top priority for this collaboration through the implementation of the Distance Learning Online (DLO) program by the Balai Penerapan Teknologi Konstruksi (BPTK), Ministry of Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR).
On November 2nd 2019, the Department of Civil Engineering and Planning Education (PTSP) represented by the D4 Civil Engineering Study Program Coordinator (Mr. Satoto E. Nayono), Secretary of the PTSP Department (Mr. Nur Hidayat) and the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UNY (Mr. Herman Dwi Surjono) have signed a collaboration with the Balai Penerapan Teknologi Konstruksi (BPTK), Ministry of Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) represented by the Chairperson of BPTK PUPR (Bapak Cakra Nagara). The points of this collaboration include: 1) Implementation of Pelaksanaan Pelatihan Jarak Jauh/Distance Learning Bidang Konstruksi (PJJBK); 2) Implementation of knowledge management in the field of construction; 3) Implementation of applied technology seminars in construction; 4) Monitoring and evaluation of the process of implementing activities; 5) Sharing data and information about training participant data, knowledge management in the construction sector; and 6) Preparation of training modules/materials in the field of construction. The Chairperson of IAS (Galeh NIPP) expressed gratitude Alhamdulillah for the realization of this collaboration, it is hoped that through this collaboration the programs from BPTK PUPR can be implemented properly in the future and the industrial world can be more actively involved through apprenticeship programs and alumni recruitment.