Submitted by adm1n on Tue, 2019-10-01 15:58
The UNY team, Wisanggeni consisted of 3 members, namely, Fendy Ramadhan, Bagas Ahid and Nastasya M with Supervisor Drs. Darmono, M.T., and Maris Setyo Nugroho, M.Eng. began the preparations in May by making proposals for which the 10 best teams in the world were selected. On July 15th, the announcement of the finalist winners came out, and one of the finalists was from UNY with the name Wisanggeni team.
On September 12th the team left for Gadjah Mada University where the competition took place, the participants attended a technical meeting and also did a presentation. The following day, all the finalists assembled the roof frame at the PKKH UGM Building, and the last day was the closing as well as awarding ceremony to all participants.
Of all the participants who took part in this competition, the UNY Team won 2nd place. This competition was attended by all universities in the world and only 10 teams would advance to the final round, including Gadjah Mada University, Jember University, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, Diponegoro University , Mataram University, Tadulako University, and Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.